



DuraMAX offers a variety of antifreeze and coolant products to fit the needs of most vehicles.

50/50 Pre-Diluted Extended Life Antifreeze

DuraMAX Extended Life Antifreeze and Coolant

The DuraMAX 50/50 Pre-diluted Extended Life Antifreeze works with all makes and models and ensures an extended life on your antifreeze intervals. The formula has a concentrated blend of premium long-lasting inhibitors to offer extended life protection for up to 5 years or 150,000 miles against temperature extremes and the ravages of rust, corrosion, and premature water pump failure when added to any extended life coolant.

The blend of the DuraMAX 50/50 is 50% antifreeze concentrate and 50% demineralized water.

When used as directed:

  • DuraMAX 50/50 can be added to the antifreeze/coolant of any make or model automobile or light duty truck on the road, foreign or domestic.
  • It can also be added to any color antifreeze/coolant – color may change but performance will remain unaffected.
  • Protects aluminum and all other engine metals.
  • Provides extended life protection when flushed and filled. Maintains extended life protection when added to any extended life antifreeze/coolant.

DuraMAX 50/50 has a freeze-up protection of -34°F and a boil-over protection of 265°F. The corrosion protection of this blend meets ASTM D3306 and ASTM D4985.

View Safety Data Sheet.

Concentrate Extended Life Antifreeze

DuraMAX Extended Life Antifreeze and Coolant

DuraMAX Extended Life Antifreeze and Coolant (Concentrate) is recommended, compatible, and formulated for use with any antifreeze/coolant in any make or model for car or light duty truck with aluminum and other engine metals.

The DuraMAX Extended Life Antifreeze and Coolant (Concentrate) has a concentrated blend of premium long-lasting inhibitors to offer extended life protection for up to 5 years or 150,000 miles against temperature extremes and the ravages of rust, corrosion, and premature water pump failures.

This antifreeze can be blended at minimum 50% antifreeze and 50% water or maximum 70% antifreeze and 30% water.

When used as directed:

  • DuraMAX Extended Life Antifreeze and Coolant may be added to the antifreeze/coolant of any make or model of car of light duty truck on the road, foreign or domestic.

The freeze-up protection of the minimum blend formula is -34°F, and the boil-over protection is 265°F. The freeze-up protection of the maximum blend formula is -84°F, and the boil-over protection is 276°F. The corrosion protection of this blend meets or exceeds ASTM D3306 and ASTM D4985.

View Safety Data Sheet.

50/50 Pre-Diluted Conventional Antifreeze

DuraMAX Conventional Antifreeze and Coolant

The DuraMAX 50/50 Pre-diluted Antifreeze made with a low silicate formula is a ready-to-use formula for use in cars, light duty and heavy duty trucks. This pre-diluted low silicate product contains demineralized water to prevent hard water deposits and scale build-up that can occur with the use of ordinary tap water.

This low silicate formula can be used to top off product in both automotive and heavy duty vehicles. It protects all metals including aluminum and will not harm rubber parts.

For heavy duty applications the use of Supplemental Coolant Additives (SCAs) is required.

The freeze-up protection of the low silicate formula is -34°F, and the boil-over protection is 265°F. The corrosion protection of this blend meets ASTM D3306 and ASTM D4985.

View Safety Data Sheet.

Concentrate Conventional Antifreeze

DuraMAX Conventional Antifreeze and Coolant

DuraMAX Low Silicate Formula Antifreeze and Coolant is an ethylene glycol based product which meets or exceeds ASTM requirements for use in cars, light duty and heavy duty trucks. It contains inhibitors to prevent rust and corrosion for all cooling system metals including aluminum. A 50/50 mixture of DuraMAX Low Silicate Formula Antifreeze and Coolant and water provides freeze protection to -34°F and the boil-over protection is 265°F when a 15-lb pressure cape in good condition is used.

When used as directed, this antifreeze will provide full protection for a minimum of one year.

For heavy duty applications the use of Supplemental Coolant Additives (SCAs) is required.

View Safety Data Sheet.

Oil Warranty

DuraMAX Motor Oil is backed by a 10-year, up to 500,000-mile Engine Protection Warranty, covering more than 15 engine parts.

Warranty Info

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